Two is easier than one.....

I can't tell you how many times I have heard my friends say that two children are easier than one. The common conception is that they can keep eachother entertained thus freeing up valuable time for the parents. Well, my husband and I adopted Kai, a beautiful English lab, about a year ago. He was wonderful! Sweet, playful, beautiful, easy to train..... and loved to be as close as possible to his mama (me) at all times! Well, as much as I adore Kai, it got pretty difficult to get work done. He would sit at my bench and whimper and whine until I stopped and amused him with a squeaky toy, a ball of yarn, a good stick.....

When Kai turned about six months old my husband and I got to thinking..... if two children are easier than one then two dogs must be easier still......

Well, the thing they don't tell you is that when you are blessed enough to have that perfect child the first time, don't tempt fate!!!! Stop there!!! Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, just thank your lucky stars!!!

My husband and I adopted Maya from the Atlanta Dog Squad about six months ago and as sweet and lovable as she is; She is a handfull of Trouble!!!! Every problem that we never had with Kai, we have had with our darling Maya. She jumps on strangers, chews up furniture, farts out loud and in public, chases the cats, steals items off counters and tables.... need I go on?

Don't worry, we adore her and she knows it..... but we were thinking.... perhaps if we adopted another dog it could train Maya for us.... what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Best post I've seen on the topic. Reality bites.