A Little Bit Kinder...

The last couple of years have been some of the most incredible and some of the toughest. I feel thankful that I have been able to work full time as a metalsmith and at the same time constantly confused and full of self doubt. I keep waiting to be one of those people who doesn't care what others think, but still I do. I find myself constantly judging my work by what others will think. Is it artistic enough..... is it unusual, is it new, is it unique and different.... and as thankful as I am that I have had so many wonderful people support me and my work I still question myself as an artist... ( for lack of a better word). Yet today while I was working in the studio the better side of me rose up. Really, I'm so over worrying about the scholastic side of my work. I love my work and I love what I do. Isn't that enough? In the end it is ultimately those who collect my work who will judge it's merits and there voice should be the loudest and most dear to me. So though I know this is not the last time I will doubt myself or my work, I vow to try harder to be kinder to myself.


Passementerie said...

I know exactly how you feel! I am filled with the same self doubt sometimes...feeling that my work isn't artistic or challenging enough or is too "commercial". Which is just silly, because my work is what it is and I shouldn't feel like I need to change my style to please others, but sometimes I just can't help but feel that way. I guess that is one of the drawbacks to making a living as a professional artist!

Your work is fabulous though, and I especially love that cuff! I am *really* hoping it will be mine some day soon!!!

Janice said...

Keep rockin' it ! I love your work!

Angela Crispin said...

Oh, I can so relate. I think all artists can, really.
If we transform that doubt into questioning, and ask ourselves not "will others like my work" but "can I do better, or differently", then it is still a push to discover new worlds but in a much kinder, more positive sense.
If we stop questioning then the movement and creativity stop and we end up repeating ourselves. That's not why we *create*, is it ? Or we wouldn't be creating but rather reproducing jewelry, or anything for that matter.
Doubt and questioning are part of the creative process we're so lucky to be fully in tuned to.

Your work is very elegant. :o)

Freya said...

I read this post in awe and disbelief of the fact that such an incredible metal artist can feel such doubts about herself and her work. and then I peek at the comments and find Passementerie suffers from similar issues and I am even more speechless. you are both absolutely ROCKING artists and I will love your work and covet ALL of it until the end of time!